Naturally, the water heater installation is not a DIY task; you must take the help of a professional. So, if you are looking forward to install a tankless water heater, we, Shalin Plumbing and Heating can offer you a very good job. Give us a call to avail our water heater installation and repair services this winter. We specialize in installation and repairing of all types of water heaters in saugus.
Check these reasons to switch on to a tankless water heater
A water heater is the most essential equipment at home. The recent craze about tankless water heaters is not without reason. In residential places, people are switching on to this type of heaters for a variety of reasons. Let us discuss that.
- Power bills will come less
Yes, a tankless water heater significantly decreases your monthly power bill. The old tank heater will warm up water for various works you perform at home including washing clothes, cleaning the house, taking showers, kitchen dishes, and various other household works. The water will deposit in the tank and it will not be released till you use them. The water may no longer stay warm by the time you want to use them and for this; you have to keep the heater switch on. This means your heater is constantly working and allowing your energy bill to go up. On the other hand, a tankless model will heat only that much of water that you exactly need for your use. Run it when you need it, it will not deposit water and will save your energy.
- The traditional heater may get dry sometimes
Sometimes because of some technical defects the tank water heater receives additional water and heats them up. Though it shows heating, you will get only cold water. This often happens in large families because of overuse and it gets defective. This issue will not exist in tankless ones because they don’t store water. You will enjoy an uninterrupted supply of warm water.
- Durability
Tankless water heaters last long compared to tank heaters. This is because a tank heater has to work frequently to heat the remaining water at tank whenever you need them. This is also because as a homeowner, it is not possible to perform all the work at the same time; you must divide your work in a day. Because of constant functioning, your heater will break down more frequently and then there will be frequent repairing which reduces the efficiency of your heater. This is not the case with tankless models as they run less. This also helps you to save power bills and the repairing cost.
- Space-saving option
If you live in apartments and have less space at home, a tankless model suits you. It is small and can fit in any corner of your kitchen or bathroom. This enables you to save space for other essential things at your home.
If your water heater is giving you trouble, try our saugus tankless water heater repair services, you will face less difficulty in getting hot water.