Shalin Plumbing&Heating is a leader in oil to gas conversions. Converting from oil to natural gas is an investment that will increase the net operating income (NOI) of your property. Owners of gas dependent buildings have fuel budgets up to 50% below owners of heating oil buildings. Additionally, natural gas burns more efficiently than heating oil and requires less maintenance. Oil to gas conversions will help you recognize additional savings as it is a prerequisite to participating in utility rebate programs.
A typical building that converts oil heating to natural gas heating will emit 35% less CO2 and 99.9% less sulfur dioxide – two major contributors to climate change and acid rain. Converting to natural gas also reduces emissions that deplete the ozone and contribute to respiratory illnesses like asthma. One building running on natural gas will reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the environment by 35%. That’s like taking 120 cars off the street for an entire year.