What you should do when your water heater stops functioning
Every product has a lifespan. You cannot expect your water heater to be working relentlessly for a long period of time. It will give you trouble one day when you will stand under the shower and won’t get hot water out of it. You will see water will start dripping from it or it is creating unusual sounds when you run it. This is when you must make some important considerations, whether to replace or repair it depending on its condition. If you want to avoid any hot water related problem in the future, consider these aspects-
The age of the heater
If your heater is quite old and in bad condition, it is better to replace it otherwise it will give you another set of problems. The normal life-span of a water heater is from 8 to 10 years. If used carefully it may last up to 12 years but not without repairing. It also depends on several additional factors such as the quality of its parts, the area you are living in, how many time it has gone for repairing and how correctly it was installed. Replacement cannot be done at home and you must hire an expert like us for the job. We Shalin Plumbing and Heating offer superior plumbing service related to the repair and installation of water heaters in medford.
Go for some new models if you are replacing it because they are energy efficient and fast. For example, we can talk about those tankless water heaters. It will save you from paying high utility bills. On the other hand, if you have been using your heater for just 2 or 3 years, then repairing would be better. Now when you are getting it repaired, choose professionals carefully. You can choose us for this purpose to get the best of medford tankless water heater repair and installation services in your doorstep.
Whether you are installing or repairing your water heater, the budget is always a concern. Sometimes it can be a minor problem like the tripping of the circuit breaker. So when you find your heater is not working-
- First, you should check the circuit breaker. Because, just think, do you need a professional just for switching back the circuit breaker? It will be a mere waste of money. So, do it yourself.
- Secondly, you must see if the plug is loose or the water connection is off. When you see neither of these reasons is causing the problem, and then you should immediately call an expert to do the maintenance. Get our medford water heater repair service done by our expert professionals which will run for years.
Never buy a second-hand model
Repairing a very old water heater is not a good idea because you do not know when it will go bad next time with another defect. When you are replacing it, never buy a second-hand model just to save a few amounts. Go for brand new models and avoid any hassle in the future. In such situations, you can hire us to do the installation. Get our medford water heater installation, repair and other plumbing services at an affordable cost.
Book us today for all your problems related to water heaters in medford. We offer quality water heater service including installation and repair under your budget.